Scrapyard destroyed in Dundry oil tanker fire

Avon Fire and Rescue Scrapyard fireAvon Fire and Rescue
At its height 60 firefighters were tackling the blaze

Residents were warned to keep their windows shut earlier after a large fire broke out at a scrapyard near Bristol.

Avon Fire and Rescue said the blaze destroyed a workshop full of scrap vehicles at the yard in Dundry.

At its peak, 60 firefighters from 10 crews were at the scene and a large plume of smoke from the blaze could be seen across much of Bristol.

Fire crews extinguished the blaze by about 13:00 BST.

Avon Fire and Rescue Fire in scrap yardAvon Fire and Rescue
Several crews battled to bring the blaze under control
T Davies-Barnard Dundry fireT Davies-Barnard
The blaze started in a waste oil tanker at the scrapyard