Language5 days ago'Spice bag' added to Oxford English DictionaryA number of new words have been added to the quarterly update for the Oxford English Dictionary.5 days agoEurope6 days agoIrish signs at Grand Central Station to cost £150kIrish language campaigners had called for the move, but some unionist politicians have criticised the spending.6 days agoNorthern Ireland Politics16 Mar 2025Irish language scheme axe 'devastating' for schoolsA scheme which helps around 80 English-medium schools in Northern Ireland to teach Irish is being cut.16 Mar 2025Northern Ireland11 Mar 2025The US island that speaks Elizabethan EnglishEnglish recently became the US's official language. But on a tiny island, residents still speak the country's most English version of English, and many Americans don't understand it.11 Mar 2025Travel5 Mar 2025Executive office launch process to appoint language commissionersThe Executive Office said the roles will be advertised online and in newspapers in the coming days.5 Mar 2025Northern Ireland Politics1 Mar 2025Films launched to help language learnersThe short films will feature at a Community Language Celebration event in Jersey Library.1 Mar 2025Jersey28 Feb 2025Trump to order English as official US languageThe United States has never had an official language since it was founded nearly 250 years ago.28 Feb 2025US & Canada25 Feb 2025The people who 'see' foreign languagesSynaesthesia is a neurological condition found to enhance memory and learning. Now, scientists say seeing in colour could help when it comes to learning a second language.25 Feb 2025Future6 Feb 2025The linguist learning to speak 'cow'Dutch scientist Leonie Cornips has become fascinated with how cows communicate. But can this really be called 'language'?6 Feb 2025Future...