West Mercia Police3 days agoAppeal after taxi driver 'grabbed around throat'The assault happened at about 20:20 GMT on Saturday near the Loopy Shrew, West Mercia Police said.3 days ago4 days agoMotorcyclist dies in collision with lorryWest Mercia Police asks witnesses who may have left before officers arrived to come forward.4 days agoShropshire7 days agoCalls for return of town centre police stationBusinesses say a police station in the centre of Shrewsbury would help deter anti-social behaviour.7 days agoShropshire20 Mar 2025Lots of work to do, says new police chief constableRichard Cooper was confirmed in the role on Wednesday.20 Mar 2025England20 Mar 2025Attacks suspect urged to hand himself in to policeWest Mercia Police says Ryan Twardun knows he is wanted and is evading officers.20 Mar 2025Shropshire20 Mar 2025More than £500k seized in police fraud raidsFirms across Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire are targeted during the operation.20 Mar 2025England19 Mar 2025Richard Cooper confirmed as police chief constableRichard Cooper has been in the post temporarily since August 2024.19 Mar 2025England19 Mar 2025Family pays tribute to 18-year-old crash victimSimon Evans' family has described him in a tribute as a "gentleman older than his years".19 Mar 2025England15 Mar 2025Substance coming from parcel harmless, say policePolice were called to reports of a substance leaking from a parcel on Saturday morning.15 Mar 2025Shropshire...