Bridport3 hrs agoStampede elephant sculpture trail unveiledScores of decorated elephants are on display around Bridport, West Bay and Lyme Regis.3 hrs agoDorset3 hrs agoBroadchurch creator uses Dorset for first novelChris Chibnall gave his first reading of his novel to an audience at Bridport Arts Centre on Monday.3 hrs agoDorset6 days agoRoyal Academy artist leading the herd at 96Phillip Sutton created the first of more than 50 elephant sculptures for an arts trail.6 days agoDorset8 days agoBBC presenter immortalised in elephant art trailThe cartoon of Steve Harris appears on an elephant in the Stampede by the Sea sculpture trail.8 days agoDorset7 Mar 2025Women of Dorset join forces for theatre projectWomen of Dorset is bringing together an all-women creative collective to help create a new play.7 Mar 2025Dorset4 Mar 2025Abattoir reopening and expansion plans backedLocal residents object to the plan saying it would increase traffic and pollution in the area.4 Mar 2025Dorset3 Mar 2025Farmers say inheritance tax is last straw for manyFour farmers talked about the pressures they face and their concerns about inheritance tax changes.3 Mar 2025Dorset23 Feb 2025Stuck horse rescued after falling through bridgeThe horse became trapped when part of the bridge gave way and it fell through.23 Feb 2025Dorset26 Jan 2025Winds and heavy rain cause disruption in SouthStorm Herminia makes its way to the UK impacting residents in the south of England.26 Jan 2025UK...