Brain cancer3 days agoFilm depicts realities of life with a brain tumourRed Herring depicts the journey of writer and director Kit Vincent, who has a brain tumour.3 days agoKent3 days agoWidow organises expanded 'community' twilight walk Walk organiser Diana Devereux says she hopes the event will bring people in Rushden together.3 days agoNorthamptonshire5 days ago'I'm living with the worst type of brain tumour'An MP and his sister vow to do all they can to ensure funding for research into brain tumours is prioritised.5 days agoOxfordshire8 Mar 2025Mum thanks public for cancer treatment donationsKatie Synnott says cash given by kind-hearted people will help "keep me alive for longer". 8 Mar 2025England7 Mar 2025Mum with terminal cancer's new treatment hopeSophie White, 23, from Rotherham, cannot get further treatment on the NHS so hopes to get it abroad.7 Mar 2025South Yorkshire6 Mar 2025'My melanoma returned and spread to my brain'Lucy Marshall had an MRI scan when she began experiencing confusion and difficulty speaking.6 Mar 2025Oxfordshire28 Feb 2025'Learning to walk again after cancer treatment'Zak, 16, now hopes to become a physiotherapist to help others.28 Feb 2025Somerset26 Feb 2025Brain surgery took my childhood memories - will new op make me forget my fiance?A devastating side effect made Weronkia Somerville lose 14 years of her life, and then she discovered she had to go through it again.26 Feb 2025Scotland23 Feb 2025Fundraiser inspired to keep running by grandfatherRio Corbett is taking on a half marathon in memory of her grandfather who died of a brain tumour.23 Feb 2025Cornwall...