Villagers say council is ignoring them on HGVs

Jo Makel
BBC News
BBC Claire Ramsay-Mayes stood at the side of the road on South End GoxhillBBC
Claire Ramsay-Mayes says she has been raising the lorry issue for 14 years

Campaigners who are angry about the number of lorries using their narrow village road said they felt their concerns were being "shut down" by their local council.

During peak periods, between 40 and 50 lorries an hour were using South End in Goxhill, residents said.

Discussions and meetings have taken place. But now villagers have received a letter calling their contact "excessive".

In a statement, North Lincolnshire Council said it was trying to find a solution for the whole community.

southend_hgv, Instagram Lorries in a queue on South End, Goxhillsouthend_hgv, Instagram
Lorries are taking goods from the nearby docks to storage facilities

The lorries are transporting goods from the docks to nearby businesses.

Claire Ramsay-Mayes, who lives on South End, said on one occasion residents counted 56 lorries in one hour.

She said: "Because of it being narrow, they're having to reverse. You can have numerous lorries having to reverse. There's a safety issue."

Mrs Ramsay-Mayes said they met with council officers in November 2023. Humberside Police has deemed the road unsafe at peak times and a village consultation was held in January.

The South End residents have since raised questions and concerns with North Lincolnshire Council. They claimed, on several occasions, to have had no response.

Last week a council letter came on email which said: "Your contact has become excessive and is hindering our ability to respond effectively."

It asked the residents not to contact individual officers or members but to only email a customer complaints address.

It added: "We formally request that you comply with the terms of this letter and advise you that if you do not, we will have no option but to review your contact with us and implement our policy in relation to persistent and unreasonable complainants."

southend_hgv, Instagram Lorries trying to pass each other on a narrow country road, South End in Goxhillsouthend_hgv, Instagram
The road is narrow so lorries struggle to pass each other

Mrs Ramsay-Mayes said: "When you're enduring this, and all you want is answers and you want help, to be met with no response, it does nothing to help your mental well-being.

"The letter we have received, that to me is bullying.

"We haven't done what is stated in that letter. We're not harassing. We're asking for responses, replies to questions."

In a statement, North Lincolnshire Council said: "We are considering options following community conversation - this is taking a little longer than we expected due to its complexity and the number of views we received.

"We also need to consult with our place partners and consider whatever the options are consider whole of the community. We are proposing to share in the next two months."

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